SWIFT Quad Trial Day

Monday February 12th, LARC welcomed Pete and Alex from SWIFT (Rowing Centre UK).

The aim was to offer a c. 45 mins outing in the river, lakes and Solent to see what our LARC members (Recreational Rowers and Junior Squad) thought of these boats. We launched two quads at Bath Rd, via launching trolley and then recovered them up at the LARC pontoon to check recovery and storage logistics at ‘home’.

With HUGE spring tides and a ‘lucky’ sunny day, 32 rowers and a flurry of coxes got their chance to experience these FISA regulated Coastal Race boats. Steady state, some firm pressure pieces and 90, 180 and 360 degree turns were also tested.

These boats are at their best in rough conditions and we weren’t blessed with that, so we needed to get creative with the rib and create some wash to ride waves!

Huge thanks go to Chris Bunce and LTSC (rib driver/ photographer), Sue Morrant (shore side support), Bill McCabe (photographer), Terry Woolford for helping the day run as smoothly as possible and to Fee and Hugo for making time in their schedules to meet Pete and Alex to talk all things SWIFT.


The Boys in the Boat- private screening for LARC at The Malt.


Annual Club Awards Dinner