Lockdown Superstars…
Fee Brooker rows a MARATHON for MIND
On Sunday April 26 2020, as part of the 2.6 challenge Fee Booker challenged herself to row the 26 mile Marathon; over 4 sets of 10.5 km, to support and raise awareness for the charity MIND. Her husband Si also completed 26 sets of 26 press ups alongside her. She had lots of ZOOM supporters along the way from both Marlow and LARC; including Ellie Potter (10k) and Kirsty (42k), raising a fabulous £1655.00.
The Alternative Milford Regatta 2020
The Milford Regatta Alternative
Saturday 2nd of May should have seen crews taking to the water at Milford beach for the first rowing regatta of the Hants and Dorset season. However due to the issued lockdown measures it was unable to be held. However Lymington Rowing Club wanted to encourage socially distanced competition and raise some money for Lymington Hospital in the process.
Participants had the opportunity to take part in as many or few of the events as they wished donating their entry money to Lymington Hospital Friends.
The events of the day included 500m ergo, 1k run, 1 mile bike ride, press ups in a minute, squat jumps in a minute and the Stafford relay challenge, which was worked out by collating highest scoring families.
We had a fantastic day in the sunshine competing at distance with members from our own and other clubs from the south coast including, Christchurch, Southampton, Southsea and Shanklin on the Isle of Wight.
Livvi Bull (Captain)
Sol is one of our new members of JLARC and is proving to be a valuable asset to our club as a rib driver, cox and tidy sculler. An amazing achievement. Well done
A special THANK YOU to Pete for organising the 'return to LARC' Autumn Mini Head Race and to all those members who stepped up to help it happen and take part.
It was a glorious 'fresh' morning in the Pylewell Lakes with bright blue sunny skies. The perfect start to the day for so many rowers in singles, doubles and quads of all ages and abilities. After the cancellation of last winter and COVID restrictions through this Spring and Summer, it was a blessing to be out there racing again.
Mike and Pete’s
London Classic Challenge Marathon
£1,000 raised on a wet and windy October…
Michael Leyland-Jones, a long-standing member of Lymington Rowing Club, is attempting to complete The London Classics challenge. This extraordinary challenge requires participants to take on all 3 of London’s toughest events. The London Marathon (26-mile run), RideLondon 100 (100 miles cycle) and the Swim Serpentine (2mile swim).
Michael has completed his ride and swim, meaning his final challenge to accomplish this remarkable trio of event is his London Marathon which is due to take place on the 4th of October.
Due to COVID restrictions the London Marathon have created a unique opportunity to still allow participants to complete this challenge. All participants are to complete their run within their local area and use GPS to track routes and times. Due to this change in procedures another longstanding member, Peter Lock has decided to take on this challenge with Michael.
The pair will be running from Poole in Dorset to Lymington Rowing and are hoping to complete the marathon under 5hrs.
They have decided they would like to do this in aid of Lymington Rowing Club and would love for you to sponsor them.
“We are both not runners (carrying a little bit of extra weight), Normal training plans allow 14-16 weeks training, we will have had only five weeks training so to go from nothing to 26.2 miles in this short time won’t be a walk in the park.
Both of us have a passion for the rowing club and want to support it as much as we can in these COVID times therefore if you feel like sponsoring us then we would be very grateful.”