End of Lockdown #3…return to Rowing

Operating Protocols 29th March 2021 Onwards

In line with the government’s roadmap for coming out of lockdown and and British Rowing's statement we are expecting (subject to the guidelines changing) to be able to open the club up to water activities from 29th March 2021.

At this time we will still be subject to rule of 6 or 2 households only mixing outdoors. It is not until 17th May (at the earliest) on the government’s planned roadmap that the numbers increases to 30 outdoors (there is some flexibility for Junior activity).

In order to remain compliant with the Government guidelines and British Rowing guidance we will be following the protocols below.


Operating Protocols

· All outings to be booked on the Lymington Boat Booking Form Google Sheet (as before – see link below) so we can try and avoid pontoon congestion.

· No more than 6 people on the pontoon at any one time.

· Masks to be worn when at the club or on the pontoon.

· Coxes to wear Masks and eye protection.

· Kit to be disinfected and washed down at the end of the session.

· Clubhouse to remain closed at present.

If you have any questions please contact your captains.

Hopefully we can all enjoy some quality and fun time on the water again!


The Final Lockdown Virtual Challenge (hopefully!)


British Rowing #returntorowing